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Does New Delhi support a new Union Territory?

Does New Delhi support a new Union Territory? Upliftment of Jammu & Kashmir     Article 370 has always been a hot topic in the Republic of India. Several people have a variety of opinions regarding it. Most of the time these opinions are polarised. In this article, I am not going to talk about how Article 370 was productive or not. I am going to present a different aspect of it, i.e. economic impact on the new Union Territory after the removal of Article 370.   India’s Home Affairs Minister has presented a bill to remove the article. New Delhi has promised growth in the new Union Territory. So will the removal of Article 370 will have such a significant impact? To understand it we have to analyse the data. More than a year has passed since the Government has removed the 370. So sample size is very small to conclude whether is it profitable or not, especially when almost half a time country was under lockdown. Thus, we have to use a different method to get a clear view...
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