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Boeing 737 Max Crash How badly it is going to affect Boeing

The world was in a shock when it heard about a Boeing 737 Max had crashed in Ethiopia, and this crash killed 157 people. After this crash, some strong steps had taken by many countries, but the question arises, how much this will hit badly to Boeing. In this blog, we will see how economical it will affect Boeing.   Boeing 737 Max is a relatively new plane introduced in August 2011, and it performed its first flight in January 2016. It is a fourth generation aircraft which cost from $99.7 million to $134.9 million for a unit. They consider this plane a modern plane. It is not the first time that a plane has crashed and people died if but it is rare that an aircraft manufacturing company is to be directly blamed for the accident. Here, Boeing is in the fault because of the same model Boeing 737 Max 8 has crashed twice in five months killing all approx. Three hundred forty-six people on board and the pattern was similar in both planes as both crashed within 15 minutes of take-off.

Does New Delhi support a new Union Territory?

Does New Delhi support a new Union Territory? Upliftment of Jammu & Kashmir     Article 370 has always been a hot topic in the Republic of India. Several people have a variety of opinions regarding it. Most of the time these opinions are polarised. In this article, I am not going to talk about how Article 370 was productive or not. I am going to present a different aspect of it, i.e. economic impact on the new Union Territory after the removal of Article 370.   India’s Home Affairs Minister has presented a bill to remove the article. New Delhi has promised growth in the new Union Territory. So will the removal of Article 370 will have such a significant impact? To understand it we have to analyse the data. More than a year has passed since the Government has removed the 370. So sample size is very small to conclude whether is it profitable or not, especially when almost half a time country was under lockdown. Thus, we have to use a different method to get a clear view.  We will stu

Venezuela’s Hyperinflation

This is one of the most trending topics in the world, the country like Venezuela who said to have most significant oil resources in the world have this condition, and you already know the importance of oil in the economy, so why? A country like this is going through hyperinflation we are going to discuss this. So before we start let’s see what hyperinflation is.                                                                                       According to Oxford Dictionaries                                 ‘Monetary inflation occurring at a very high rate.’ Hyperinflation is a situation when there is a rapid and often uncontrollable currency devaluation causing the prices of goods and services to rise by a rocket speed in a short amount of time. In simple words, it is a situation where the prices of goods and services rise more than 50% a month, and Venezuela’s inflation has crossed 25,000% in May 2018. So how Venezuela did got trapped in this situation?